Welcome to Serial Outerworlds
The online journal or "weblog" has been around for some time. Recently it has become a major cultural phenomenon. "Blogging" is the latest answer to the anonymity of the individual voice. Now there is a forum where anyone can voice an opinion about anything -- anonymously or otherwise -- and be heard...or read.
What has not developed, but surely will, is the simultaneous increase in the publication of fiction using the blog as a medium. Serial Outerworlds intends to shift this reality. Here, we present novels; blognovels, as the term has been coined elsewhere (like here); in a serialized format. This initial experiment is intended to see how much traffic, and what sort of community, can evolve around serial entries in a fiction format.
Readers are encouraged to email the serial entries to friends, and to share links to our stories. All we ask in return is that you click on the Google Ads from time to time (our only revenue source for the project), and consider buying the books, if and when they're published.
Thanks for stopping by, and happy reading.